
Dropbox old version mac
Dropbox old version mac

dropbox old version mac

Mac users could mount an iDisk on their desktop and copy files to Apple servers with just the classic drag and drop. Of course, remote file sync wasn’t a new concept to me-I’d used Apple’s iDisk for years, which was one of many precursors to Dropbox.

dropbox old version mac

This utility was a direct hit to my heart. I could shuttle documents back and forth from work without relying on a crusty old FTP server. A public folder and right-click sharing shortcuts made it easy to share images, files, and folders with anyone at any time. It was love at first sync, because Dropbox did exactly what it said on the tin: seamlessly synchronize files and folders across computers with speed and security. Minutes later I registered an account, installed the app, and tossed some files into my newly minted Dropbox folder. It was June 2nd, 2010, when my coworker Stephen strolled into my cubicle and said “Hey, I started using this Dropbox thing, you should check it out.” Stephen has a habit of understatement, so from him that's high praise. I still remember the day-well, my inbox remembers the day. That’s my story with Dropbox, the app that keeps all your stuff in sync. The developer grows distant, the app eats up all your RAM, and you wonder if it’s still worth the money-or your love.

dropbox old version mac

The developer is responsive, the app is snappy, and you’re happy to toss in a few bucks to support a good product. Before you know it that utility’s solved a problem you never knew you had, and worked its way into your heart and your login items. It’s for a hot new utility that all the tech tastemakers are talking about. One day you’re implementing your carefully crafted workflow when a friend or colleague DMs you a link. You never know when you’ll fall in love with a piece of software.

Dropbox old version mac